Services in automated data processing and information technology
Albert Zak
Founded 2014
Information obligation according to §5 E-Commerce Act (ECG), §14 Austrian Commercial Code (UGB), §63 Austrian Trade Code (GewO), and §25 Austrian Media Act (MedienG)
Legal form: Sole proprietorship
Baumgasse 1/9
1030 Vienna
Chamber membership:
Member of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (Wirtschaftskammer Österreich, WKO)
Vienna Economic Chamber (Wirtschaftskammer Wien, WKW)
Professional group for Management Consulting, Accounting, and Information Technology (Fachgruppe Unternehmensberatung, Buchhaltung und Informationstechnologie, UBIT)
Responsible supervisory authority:
District Magistrate's Office for the 3rd District
Karl-Borromäus-Platz 3
1030 Vienna, Austria
Applicable trade regulations:
Trade Regulation Act (Gewerbeordnung, GewO) and E-Commerce Act (ECG) in their respective current versions
Consumers have the option to address complaints to the European Commission's dispute resolution platform.